Empowering Girls in Hungary to Pursue STEM Careers: STEM powered by CETIN - cetin.hu
Empowering Girls in Hungary to Pursue STEM Careers: STEM powered by CETIN
Career choices are mostly decided in high school, and fewer girls choose engineering and technology careers due to a lack of supportive environment, according to research by CETIN Hungary Zrt. The independent, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider wants to change this by launching a free talent program for secondary school girls in partnership with the Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE).
Breaking Down Barriers and Fostering Change
The key aim of STEMpowered by CETIN is to show 11th-grade girls facing a career choice an alternative they rarely or never think about and help break down the barriers they face. In addition to developing math skills and digital competencies, the free program will showcase the exciting opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers by linking science disciplines. It also helps in career guidance, complements classroom work, deepens the knowledge acquired and gives students a sense of achievement.
Working for Gender Equality in STEM
The employment rate for women in Hungary exceeds 45 percent yet constitutes less than 14 percent of the workforce in the technology sector (Data source: Hungarian Central Statistical Office (April 2023) and Eurostat (2022)). By STEMpowered by CETIN program, launched with NaTE, we want to encourage women to pursue careers in engineering and technology. The data from our research confirms that this requires arousing interest already in secondary school and developing the subjects and skills necessary for self-fulfillment in girls who are open to further education. With this program, we also want girls who apply to see a role model - there are three women in the management of our company.
We are determined to give young people the courage and confidence to enter STEM fields. We believe it is important that they make their choices based on their own experiences, rather than on social or family expectations. Science, technology, math, and engineering is an endlessly beautiful and exciting career – we want young girls to see the huge potential it offers.
A Brighter Future for Girls in STEM
During a full schoolyear-long program, the 11th-grade girls participate in several trainings and programs. During this time, the girls are assisted by career and professional mentors in their career orientation and in breaking down the obstacles they face. Mentors for the program were provided by CETIN Hungary’s volunteers.
Therefore, STEMpowered by CETIN is more than just a program; It encourages girls to choose STEM fields with confidence, ensuring that they make their career decisions based on their passions, aspirations, and personal experiences.