CETIN Hungary Appoints Two New Managers - cetin.hu
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CETIN Hungary Appoints Two New Managers
Neutral, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider CETIN Hungary Zrt. expanded its management team on March 7. The newly created position of director of digitalization and transformation is now filled by György Gaszmann. The company's new operations director is Balázs Kővári, joining from Yettel Hungary.
György Gaszmann is responsible for the development and implementation of CETIN Hungary's digitalization strategy, with a particular focus on the introduction of innovative and data-driven technologies and the resulting process optimization opportunities. In addition, he also supports the service provider's product development and pre-sales activities on the technology side.
György Gaszmann joined Pannon GSM in 1999 as a transmission engineer. He later worked as an IP network design engineer and was responsible for technology engineering at Telenor Common Operation, the regional operations company of Telenor companies. He was afterward operations director at CETIN Hungary, from which position he came to the position of director of digitalization and transformation.
The new operations director also starting on March 7 will be Balázs Kővári joining from Yettel Hungary. His task will be the continuous, smooth, and high-quality operation of CETIN's national telecommunications network, which consists of approximately 4,000 base stations, data centers, and IT infrastructure.
Balázs Kővári joined Pannon GSM in 1997. Apart from a short detour at the network planning directorate, he has always worked in the operations area, and for the last 20 years as a manager in both network and IT. Prior to joining CETIN Hungary, he worked for Yettel Hungary as a manager responsible for IT, where he contributed to the successful launch of the Yettel brand by leading the technical project team.